A World Far Less in Size

Today's Photograph, by Khalid Hussain:

This photograph shows a village girl from Sindh, Pakistan. I named this photograph: A World Far less in Size

This photograph reminded me of this poem:
There was a time when I was very small,
When my whole frame was but an ell in height;
Sweetly, as I recall it, tears do fall,
And therefore I recall it with delight.
I sported in my tender mother's arms,
And rode a-horseback on best father's knee;
Alike were sorrows, passions and alarms,
And gold, and Greek, and love, unknown to me,
Then seemed to me this world far less in size,
Likewise it seemed to me less wicked far;
Like points in heaven, I saw the stars arise,
And longed for wings that I might catch a star.
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The whole poem can be found here.

To see more pictures like this, look here.
